Here are pictures I shot of the total eclipse of the Moon on November 8, 2003. The eclipse occurred at a very convenient time in the evening. The skies remained clear during the eclipse but it was quite cold!! The Moon was near the constellation Aries and thus not too far from the star Algol in the head of Medusa in the constellation Perseus. There were some mysterious occurrences during the eclipse as well. This eclipse occurred just 10 days after The Perfect Solar Storm of October 30, 2003. Click on images to enlarge.

CONTENTS: Mysterious Occurrences / More Photos

Early partial phases of eclipse.


They're baaaaaaaack!!!! Is one of the shadows turning into a cobra??

.. or is it turning into a viper? Did one of the shadow people take this photo or is it of their Mother Ship from Algol?

Those mysterious shadows returned during the first partial phases of the eclipse, this time to a condo complex in Arlington, MA. It looked like one of these shadows tried to photograph this eclipse. While no one else witnessed these shadows, making any future investigations almost impossible, it is known that they bear a resemblence to the shadows photographed in late June 2003. This time, however, the lighting was Shermy-colored.


Some of these photos, particularly those a few minutes after the end of totality reminded me of what Mars looked like through my telescope near my 2003 birthday when Mars was at its closest EVER to Earth (8/27/2003).

Page created November 20, 2003.

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