Shown below are pictures I took of presidental sites in Washington DC in July 1999 with my 35mm Olympus camera and in eastern MA in September 2003 with my Nikon CoolPix 995 digital camera. Photos taken in Texas in January 2007 and in Hyannis, MA in August 2007 were taken with my Canon PowerShot S3 digital camera. I have also been to the Calvin Coolidge site in Plymouth, VT; near Farmbrook Motel where I saw an annular eclipse in 1994. If I find any photos of the Coolidge site in my collection, I'll scan them in and add them to this page.

NEW! Photos of the Presidential Wreath-Laying Ceremony honoring John Quincy Adams taken on July 10, 2015.

Click on image to enlarge.


The White House and Monticello

George Washington: Monument and Mount Vernon

Lincoln Memorial


John Adams statue


Monument of John Adams and John Quincy Adams

NEW!!! Presidential Wreath-Laying Ceremony honoring John Quincy Adams held at the historic United First Parish Church aka The Church of the Presidents in Quincy, MA on Friday, July 10, 2015, the day before Adams' actual birthday. The church is Unitarian Universalist. John Quincy Adams was the sixth President of the United States of America. His father, John was the second. Both presidents were born in Quincy, MA. The Navy Operational Support Center of Quincy presented the wreath to the congregation and later laid the wreath at the Adams Crypt which is downstairs from the sanctuary. Four speakers including a descendant of John Quincy Adams highlighted Adams' tenure as President including his opposition to slavery, his contributions to developing and building the national infrastructure and his support for women's rights including suffrage. The speeches were very timely because this ceremony was held just a couple hours after North Carolina finally took down the Confederate flag next to the State House and several days after proposals were announced for replacing Alexander Hamilton with a woman important to the civil rights movement on the ten dollar bill in 2020. After the speeches and the laying of the wreath, musical selections by Tallis, Mozart and Beethoven were performed by the Quincy Choral Society. The Invocation and Benediction were delivered by Rev. Rebecca Froom who is the first woman pastor in the church's 375-year history. Members of the congregation toured the Adams Crypt after the ceremony. More information on John Quincy Adams may be found here.


Outside the JFK Museum in Hyannis, MA


Statues of Ike and LBJ

Page modified July 23, 2015.

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