Here are pictures I took of the Venus transit between about 6:00-7:00am on June 8, 2004. It was the first such event since 1882.
While last contacts were clouded out, some excellent shots were nevertheless taken. Click
on images to enlarge.
CONTENTS: Mysterious Occurrences / More Photos
Early partial phases of eclipse.
Those mysterious shadows seem to like rare astronomical events because they returned during this Venus transit, again to a condo complex in Arlington, MA. It appeared that at least one of these shadows knows how to operate a telescope. While no one else witnessed these shadows, making any future investigations almost impossible, it is known that that one of the shadows played cobra. They also again seem to bear a resemblence to the shadows photographed in late June 2003.
including those of the clouds that prevented observations of final contacts.
Page created June 8, 2004.